The group systematically organized the viewing of the warning education feature film Haiyan Heqing for Political Ecology
“利剑高悬 警钟长鸣”系列警示教育专题片《欧洲杯在线投注》从理想信念动摇、政治意识丧失、组织观念弱化、宗旨意识淡薄等方面,In-depth analysis of the serious investigation of Li Jinliang, Zhao Jianguo and other 10 typical cases of violations of discipline and law,It is deeply revealed that the political disaster is the fundamental disaster,Political destruction is fundamental destruction,The breakdown of political discipline is fundamental。一经播出便引起强烈反响,在整个国有企业当中掀起了一股反腐倡廉、清风肃纪的热潮。那些曾经的看片人,只因一己私利,忘记了党纪国法,背弃了责任使命,一步步的走向泥潭、步入深渊,最终沦落为可憎又可悲的片中人,感人至深、振聋发聩、警钟长鸣。 党的十八大以来,党中央把反腐败斗争提到事关党和国家生死存亡的高度,习近平总书记曾指出:“一些党员干部中发生的贪污腐败、脱离群众、形式主义、官僚主义等问题,必须下大气力解决。The whole Party must be alert."。近来,部分党员干部丧失党性,玩忽职守、利欲熏心、中饱私囊,一个个“苍蝇”、“老虎”相继落马。And at the same time being rejected by the people,It is also inevitable to see some people who have made contributions and achievements for the Party, the country and the people,There was a time when they had lofty ideals,But in the end, he let power get to his head,He went astray because of his interests,Forget "quiet to cultivate oneself.,Frugality nourishes virtue "is the old saying,Did something that hurt the party and the country,He was thrown into prison。 近年来,我市也进一步加大了反腐倡廉力度,李鸿忠书记强调:全面从严治党只能越来越严、必须越来越严。视频中那些因政治信念动摇,组织纪律涣散,生活作风腐化等问题,得到严惩的党内腐败分子,正是反应出我市打击腐败分子所具备的“壮士断腕”的勇气和决心。 As a party cadre must deepen the ideological understanding,Give priority to the Party's political construction,Correct thinking and understanding,Enhance political consciousness,Always grasp the boundaries of self-discipline,Always keep the rules in mind,There can be no lucky mentality, herd mentality,You can't make an issue of unreasonable old practices,We should not take some abnormal phenomena that still exist in society as an issue,For non-compliance practices and unreasonable phenomena, we must resolutely reject and resist,Remind yourself all the time,Be a clean man,Do a clean job,Withstand the test, resist the temptation,Be a good cadre who makes the Party and the people rest assured。 土产公司 王 鹏 2018年6月28日,泰来公司党总支组织全体党员观看了“利剑高悬警钟长鸣”为了政治生态的海晏河清主题教育片,《欧洲杯在线投注》从理想信念动摇、政治意识丧失、组织观念弱化、宗旨意识淡薄等方面,In-depth analysis of the serious investigation of Li Jinliang, Zhao Jianguo and other 10 typical cases of violations of discipline and law,It is deeply revealed that the political disaster is the fundamental disaster,Political destruction is fundamental destruction,The breakdown of political discipline is fundamental。 一直以来,我们在公司党支部要求下,深入学习党的各项规章政策,对照自身时刻进行检查。正因为如此,在观看教育片之后,对于“看片人”和“片中人”的关系有一种深切的体会。今天还是在台下看反面教材的观众,明天摇身一变成为违纪违法的典型,啼笑皆非的同时真真正正反映出很多干部对自身的要求每一天都在放松,每一天都在懈怠。十八大之后,面对反腐败斗争的严峻形势,廉政建设始终使党务工作的重中之重,而反面典型作为“活教材”,是最能让我们基层的普通党员更直接更深刻地认识到违纪违法的危害。How to really take the case as training, hear the police introspection, is that each of us party members must think deeply。 After watching this film, especially after the confession of several corrupt officials in the film, I feel a lot as a party member。Especially when I saw some leading cadres talking about their families, I was deeply touched。Old comrades have worked hard all their lives,Because of the lack of party spirit,Lead to violations of discipline and law,Lost freedom and reputation,At the age of enjoying family life,I sent myself to hell,The hard work of the first half of life becomes a notorious joke,The reunion of children and grandchildren has become a permanent dream,这些都是身为一名党员领导干部最基本的党性修养的缺失带来的严重后果,Nowadays, fighting corruption and advocating integrity is an important part of our Party's work,But there are still comrades in our Party whose ideological and political status is not firm,Discredit our party,To tarnish the glorious image of our party。Through watching the feature film, I benefit greatly and feel a lot。我们不仅对那些贪污腐败分子感到羞耻,更对他们腐败至极,丧失党性的表现感到惭愧。 党的十七大报告中对反腐倡廉作了阐述,提出了总体要求:一是深刻阐述了反腐倡廉的重大意义;二是深刻阐述了反腐倡廉的基本形势与总体思路;三是深刻阐述了深入推进反腐倡廉需要做好的一些重要的具体工作。All these strongly demonstrate that our Party has the determination and confidence to do a good job in combating corruption and advocating integrity。在物欲横流的当今社会,人们无利而不往,少数党员干部的放任自流,给国家和人民造成了巨大的财产流失,同时也带坏了一批干部,从而形成了不良的社会风气。我们要认真吸取他人的教训,坚持防微杜渐,时刻为自己敲醒警钟,要明白自己该做什么,不该做什么。A single misstep can be an eternal regret, but it's too late to regret it。 Some people say that these education are aimed at party members and cadres, and we ordinary party members and what relationship?I don't think so when it comes to that。今天对自己思想的放松懈怠,很可能明天就成为犯罪道路的开始,萌芽往往是最可怕的。A single spark in a revolutionary era can start a prairie fire,The opposite of today's typical malignant tumor can also develop rapidly once it forms,So as an ordinary party member,Must keep the faith,Keep party rules in mind at all times,Always study hard,Learn from books,Learn by doing,Learn the real thing,Strive to be an excellent Party member in the new period,We must always uphold the fine tradition of hard work。片子中我们看到有一部分党员干部,正是由于淡忘了艰苦奋斗作风,贪图享受,热衷于追求个人和小家庭的安乐,抛弃党纪法规,贪污腐化,最终走上犯罪的道路。我们一定要引以为戒,要继续发扬艰苦奋斗的作风,恪守党的宗旨,提倡勤俭节约,反对Extravagance and waste,始终不渝地保持和发扬艰苦奋斗的优良传统。 通过此次学习教育不仅是对我们作风行为的警示,更是对我们思想观念的洗礼。我们一定要树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,自重、自律、自醒,排除非份之想,常怀律己之心,常修为官之德,始终保持共产党人的浩然正气。教训是深刻的、令人痛心的,前车之鉴,后车之师,我们一定要从这些案例中吸取教育,引以为戒。作为一名党员,应当在党性修养的学习上起到先锋模范带头作用,加强自身作风建设和素质修养,真正以一个党员的标准严格要求自己,在自己的岗位上为企业的发展做出贡献。 Tai Lai company Zhang Yining